
The Illusion of Control
By: MPIAD Staff

By admin | June 27, 2019 | 0 Comments

It’s widely accepted that control is an illusion. We have no control over the world around us or even over our own lives in some regards—anything could happen at any moment, and we’re powerless to control those forces of nature. When it comes to relationships, however, why is it control that we seek? It’s become […]

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Bad Dating Advice: 3 Things You Shouldn’t Do

By admin | June 11, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dating advice comes from all angles, but not all of it is good advice. Every relationship is different, but some behaviors should be avoided, regardless. If you like somebody, don’t let them know it. We’re all familiar with the “3 day rule” where you wait a few days to call after a first date, but […]

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